A little apprehensive about posting this one.
I've been treating my blog as an outlet for frustrations and self-expression thru words, but i can't deny that I've been getting a bit of attention from friends, acquaintances etc. Truth is, i've always been a private person, even among friends I considered to be those I really care about & vice versa.
I'm not the kind who likes to trouble my friends with my endless ramblings, somehow. Its nice to share, sometimes. But honestly, talking about things that are difficult and cant be changed.. is a waste of energy on what i perceive to be the negative.
They say everything happens for a good damn reason.
Just a month or two ago, I've been busy filling up my time with activities.. movies, outdoorsy stuffs, just about anything that could get me out of the house. Catching up on past friendships, making new ones.. that the whole time it feels like a dizzying array of faces, events.. it makes me kinda disoriented.
Till i fell & hurt my knee (quite badly) while coming down a slope on ecp while rollerblading.What i thought was some scrapes on the knee that would heal with time (& hopefully no scar) ended up swelling at the knee joint, which means i cant straighten it out to walk..which means i get to stay home on mc.
Thats when i realised my mum thinks I've been going out too much it makes her worried. If not for this episode, i wouldn't have known my sis cares enough about me to apply ointment for me,or to bring me chocolate in bed.
I'm always learning more about myself thru incidents & events like this; & it lets me learn about those around me as well.
I honestly need some "me" time. Just the good old hanging at borders with a fave book in hand & a cuppa of frothy cappucino sounds really perfect. Oh, and someone who can make me laugh without even trying. :)