Sunday, November 23, 2008

I much prefer David Cook's version! Can't seem to tire of it :)

And the live band at Timbre is awesome.. Literally melted when they did this piece. Somehow Mariah Carey's version feels a tad dated for me.

"A friend is someone who stays in when the rest of the world has gone out."

The above line is dedicated to Daddy J *coughs..coughs*
For being very daddy/guardian-like all this while, whether i needed it or not you never fail to let me know you'll be there & there was never a doubt that you would..Though sometimes when talking u always link it to someone/something else argh

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall. (choy)
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I like flowers.

They smell like hope & beautiful Spring.

Lovely bunch it is. Thank you..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Its already november

I can't wait to say goodbye to 2008.

A year seemingly full of promise that turned out to be one that's full of mistakes and painful realisations.

I shall focus on the simple pleasures life brings or things that make me smile.. till '09 rolls around..

Impeccable French mani that actually lasts.

My cutest, sweetest, mischievious, shrimp-loving cousin made cuter by blabbering in thai..

I swear she's gonna be such a babe when she grows up; just don't be a jerk magnet..

Wacky Elmo. I need a life-sized one to hug to sleep at night though.Where can I get one? I don't wanna the stiff kind, but the mushy type where u can fold the arms however you like..
All things whimsical. The girlier the better.

Black and white images. Taken with a creative edge and a sprinkling of nostalgia. No rules needed, just a keen eye for style & perception.
Great company with people that matter :)
A BFF moment. Laughing/giggling about NOTHING in particular. We were just Happy to be.

My top wishes for 2009...............................................

Good health and a bad memory please.

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Simple, Starving to Be Safe - Daphne Loves Derby