Friday, May 16, 2008

random thoughts

The sun is up today! And I'm here alone in the house!

Uncle Ivan has gone to work obviously, the kids are at school, and Aunt Ben just came in a moment ago to say she would be visiting her friends (to see some land?!) and would I like to go?

Well, I said thanks but no and she said she would be back at 3 pm and Uncle Ivan at 4 cos we would be celebrating my elder cousin's birthday later tonight with a good dinner. Yum. Can't wait. And its the weekend tomorrow! I pray for no rain, cos Ing wants to go to the zoo!

Nice Aunt Ben just dropped a few DVDs on the bed & told me where to get food downstairs and that she will be locking the door and to ring her if I needed something. Sweet. :) Even Uncle Ivan has changed somewhat. My memories of him was that he was defintely playful & mumbles all the time so i couldn't make out what he was saying 80 percent of the time.

He still mumbles now but he was being really sweet & responsible for the time I've been here. He would call each day at work (a few times!) to ask where I would be going, call again to check I've reached the destination and call to ask if I had my meals and what time I would be back and if I was okay making my way back on my own.
It was strange (but nice) having someone check on me all the time & then it crossed my mind that he would make a responsible, protective Dad.

I'm glad. In fact, I'm super glad that he's doing so well now and has a capable wife and 2 adorable kids, after seeing what he had been thru. I heard stories from my aunt about how it was like when they first got here; how she had to navigate the roads with him cos he would be unfamiliar driving on his own. I bet picking up Thai and adjusting to the work culture here wasn't easy either.

But what doesn't kills you makes you stronger! And stronger is always better for this constantly evolving and complicated world we live in.

Here, people are so much simpler & less uptight about things, generally. Children here literally play & they have a wonderful childhood.

At 2, my cousin is allowed to have ice cream, chocolate whatever, even at dinner time.
My heart skips a beat when I see her climb the steep steps, or clamber up the high chair, or use the laundry thingy as a monkey bar. And after classes ended, its all playtime. We have fun with Barbies, make-believe & play dohs.

The average Singaporean parent would probably be telling her child that candies are bad for you, and no soft drinks or snacks and scream at the top of their lungs should their children so much as sprint in the mall. Holding their hand & watching their every move. Tuition after tuition & have you learnt your spelling?


It's tough to be a kid these days. It's admirable to want the best for your child and to mould them the way you think is best for them..

But.. have you forgotten what it was like being a child?

How you secretly wonder what it was like playing in the rain?
How having an ice cream cone makes your day?

I don't even know why I'm writing this and I'm not trying to appear wise especially since I'm not a parent. Just an observation and my personal thoughts. :)

I think in this world we live in, we constantly worry about what might have been and tend to over anticipate & complicate things. But worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.

I mean, what if you spilled milk on the couch? Just send it for cleaning and it will be as good as new. So what if you fell and skinned your knee? If it hurts, let the tears fall, time would heal and you will be good as new.

Totally irrelevant below.

Gotta try out the kiwi salt scrub I got yesterday.. Grossly cheap & smells heavenly. Scrubs help give your skin a nice healthy sheen.. so girls, exfoliate exfoliate..Its supposedly smoothing & packed with Vitamin C. Yay.

And I'm gonna watch 200 pounds beauty on DVD again!


How would you like to go up in a swing, up in the sky so blue?


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