The 26th of September
For starters, I have yet to get the pics from Dave,( still editing I suppose; but soon) the photographer of Kev & Jas's special day. Also, I have no program to resize the large file size for the images so its taking forever to load.
So for the lovely, bubbly people who made that day memorable, I suggest sending me your email so I could forward when I get the images from Dave, alrighty?..
Well the funniest thing of the day was being a Ms. Piggy in the Chinese horoscope, I had to literally go hide in my room when the groom comes to pick the bride.(Some age old chinese tradition cum superstition)
Then, I was ALMOST happily forgotten amidst all the cheers, till the very last minute when everyone was leaving. (Thank god sis remembered..)
Quite random though:
hey hey you can use paint to save yr pictures to make the file size smaller
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